For Teachers

How to Apply for a Grant

We believe your students and colleagues benefit from your continued joy and engagement in learning. If there is a course, project, or other educational opportunity that would enrich your intellectual journey, we would be glad to support you in pursuing it. Describe it briefly in the form below. Include information about other sources of support: what aspect(s) of the experience will the district cover? Other funders?

Email us at to let us know you have applied. We will contact you for further conversations.

Our grants are exclusively for Ouray School teachers and staff.

Document your expenses

If your application is accepted, you will provide us copies of tuition, airline, or other applicable bills. We will write you a check for up to the amount of your grant.

After your project is complete

Share with us a brief impact statement within six months of your use of the grant, a statement suitable for public sharing. The statement can be an essay, a video, a slides presentation... anything that gives us a feel for what you bring back to the classroom as a result of your continuing education.